New Kid

Jan here, there's this new kid ryan at our school and it's his second day here. In New York. And i'm just his friend and invited him over to play video games and listen to music. But then megan started following us. It's creepy. It's like she's stalking me. WEIRD. Bu i think she has a crush oon him even though she already has a boyfriend. She might dump her old boyfriend if Ry asks her out. He lets me call him Ry. (The new kid is who i'm talkin' about.) Hmmmm.

Hey! Jan here

Jan here, I just got home from school and tonight I have to babysit my brats of siblings including our cousin Kyla, the little devil. And logan and megan are both going out on stupid dates!!!!! Why leave me here when plaid pants will be dropping off the greasy news paper!!! I mean WHYYY?!?!?!!?! I'm eatin a slice of pie, thinking about tonights homework. Sibling+brat+cutie+brat+devil= trouble.
Absoloute trouble!! And or mayhem!!! I hope I can juggle this by myself!!

Jan here updating about Plaid Pants, guess what? He finally got a date, ohhhh 2 little losers sittin in a tree!!! If my mom read this blog she would say don't be so rude but plaid pants is ugle and rude to your eyes so i don't care!!!!!!!

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!!!! The docter's thought my mom's baby was gonna only be a baby girl but now I found out there's gonna be twins!! One boy and a girl. You already know the girls name. It's Nicole-Allison/ Alexa-sharpay-crysta/ truman! but now the boy's name is Jaden/ Thomas-Trey-Jake-micheal/ Truman!!

I'm gonna go take a bath, so bye!!


I'm going to repeat what my mom said, "There are places to go, people to see" I mean what the heck is that supposed to mean? She's gonna ship me off to Kaysies house, then one week later, she's gonna send me to where aubrey's staying with the eccentric aunt, then with logan, then to megan, then to dylan, then to kyle and then icome home! I mean, why so confusing!!!!!??? Then in January my mom is sending me to my father's house and then to my mom's cousin's sister's uncle's daughter's brother's house? Why did she choose me!!!!!!!!She only birthed me and aubrey and dylan lives with us anyway. So she says i'm the oldest she's birthed and this year i'll have to be shipped practically around the world. And then next year Aubrey will endure it and then when dylan gets old enough he will too. Gotta go!


I was surfing blogs and came across this super cool layout with such good text and words that were sooo interesting, if u wanna know what it is it's , and then, of course and The diary of aly doesn't have much things on it but it's working it's way there.

The Duvonts.

Dear Secret File Reader's,
Guess what! I'm being shipped off to my evil cousin Kaysie Duvont's house for the whole month! Isn't that great? You don't know the greatest thing about it. I can be mean to her when her paren't aren't looking but she can't be mean to me. And the 2 greatest parts of all time is she lives in a mansion/beach house at california right by the beach!!! Now i can finally relax, kick back and start a new school and come back home. My parent's always make me go to Cousin Kaysies house, they ship Aubrey off to some weird aunt who tried to commit suicide one time, they ship logan off to one of our uncle's whose twenty something, they ship Dylan off to his real mom and they ship megan off to her real mom and kyle off to his uncle who has a son who is stupid and has no fashion sense. Which is the opposite of Kyle who is popular(Aubrey tells me)!!!! Gotta go see a movie. Bye!

Big News once again!

Hi secret file readers,
A close and personal wedding day on him and his soon to be wife. Aubrey doesn't know about my site yet She barely reads my blogs!!!! She makes me not put personal stuff on OURS but on mine i can put anything she won't let me put like whether my mom's new baby is gonna be a boy or girl and what it's full name is gonna be and she won't let me put anything personal about her. Oh Well!!! It's the secret files of me, Jan clayton. It's SUPPOSED to be true!!

About my father's wedding day. It's gonna be on March 17th 2008, at spring gardens in Florida!
My mother's baby will be a girl, it's due in January on the 23rd 2008, and her full name will be Nicole-Allison/ Alexa-Sharpay-Crysta / Truman. It's long but i like it. Megan picked out the name sharpay and thought it would be a good middlename, Logan picked out Alexa, Aubrey picked out Allison, I picked out Nicole, Dylan and the other unmentionable brother aubrey's age both liked Crysta, and and my mother's husband and my step-dad's last name is Truman. My mother couldn't pick out the name she liked best so she used all of our ideas.

So now you know the Big news of my world. I will still always hate cow butt though.


Dear Secret File Readers,
Cow butt is now on the move. He is rounding the corner (I know this because i installed a secret camera on the bush and put a secret tracker inside his shoes!Awsome right!!!!! And so cow butt is now dropping the greasy newspaper on our doorstep. Just a sec, i'm gonna say, "Get out of here Heyena laugh!". I can't elieve he ever gets dates for the prom, wait never mind, he NEVER in thehistory of his life got a date for anything.


I just finished eating diner, now i'm posting on here. Thankfully my mom can afford a seperate phone line for me! Whoopee! So, i'm dialing Detective Schwartzentagervondussel!!! I'm gonna put his interview on here ! Ok, :

Me: Hi Detective Schwartzentagervondussel, i am very excited to be talking to you tonight! So, what's one of your favorite cases you helped solve.
Detective:Um, i liked when i had to track down a burgaler, it was entertaining. He was running but he knew i was going to catch him.
Me: Very interesting, so tell me one thing you use to go undercover.
Detective: I use a newspaper with a peephole in it and i wear a magnifying glass on my glasses. I can turn it on and off.
Me: Very interesting, is there anything else important you would like to share?
Detective: I'm sorry, i have to go do something important. I wish i could stay and chat. Tell no one you talked to me. Thanks.

And that was our very short conversation! I hope you enjoyed it. It took hours to even to get him to answer it. Geez, he must be really paranoid!!!!!


P.S. Maybe I can catch plaid pants laughing like a heyena and then i can all mom and Jon and say i think i heard a hur animal!!! I love to make things complicated for plaid pants, i mean cow butt.

Paper boy

The paperboy on 67 avenue lane is troubled. I spy on him, i mean come on, he seems wierd enough right? He wears plaid pants!! creepy huh? And ugly golf shirts that are a size too big for him. So anyway, he's evil. He grins like a sheep, looks like a cow butt and acts like rotted sardine. He is bad at delivering papers too. His hands are always greasy and you can never read the morning comics, not to mention when there's real news like a robbery in the center of town!!! I mean, he ruins everything espicially things that have eyes!!!

Big Dish

Ok, here's dish. You won't find me saying this on diary2girls but i'm going to say it here and only here!!!!!! Me and Aly r friends. She's only 1 year older than me. Weird huh after all that fighting. She turned out to be pretty nice. She's pretty awsome. I'm in 8th grade and aubrey's in 6th. So anyway, i don't really know her, i only said that. But we e-mail each other, like everyday! We r cyberpals and cool one's at that.

Hi Secret File Readers,
I hope you enjoy my layout, it fits with what my blog is about. You will get an all access pass into what i'm gonna post onto, see my thoughts about boys, fashion and almost everything else secret about me. You will get to know about my father's wedding and my mom's new baby. Top secret info that can't be released into!!! Cool huh! And something even cooler is that there'll be a real live detective interview! Right here. To give you a hint, his last name is Schwartzentagervondussel! It's pronounced (Sh-warts-zen-tager-von-tussel) I know, long name right!!!

I'm really sorry!

am so sorry! this is the last replica i am gonna do, i lost the usernames or passwords for my other 2 duplicates!!! I really am for bouncing you around so much!!!

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